
Winter Chills

There is an atmosphere of ‘uncertainty’ in the air. Things are changing – globally, economically and personally for me – we are all trying to make the best out of a bad situation….

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Mama’s coat

This is an ode to my wonderful mother, whom in all her kindness saved me this winter fur coat from her youth. She used to wear it in Swedish winters…

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I can already feel God pulling me towards a life of no fear and living fearlessly. Telling me that I can aim for more than just survival, like a lyric that sticks in my mind from Nicki Minaj “to live doesn’t mean you are alive”. And thats a fact.

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Happy New Year

It has been a wonderful year for me, that doesn’t mean that it was easy, it was downright tough at times. But when I look at how many bad situations turned into wonderful opportunities and all the things God brought me through – I cannot help but consider it a good year…

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Best Nail Salons in Leeds 

A great outfit is incomplete without a perfect manicure. So I thought it timely to share my favourite nail salons in Leeds, my current residence.

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Black Friday Deals: Natural hair extensions

I have always been an advocate for natural hair extensions, yassss to hair extensions that give you some length or thickness or even colour AND actually match your God-given hair texture *insert black hands-in-the-air emoji here*…

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Sometimes it hurts to hear the truth. The one we so desperately need but can’t quite come to face ourselves. The truth that lets us know that we are not perfect and reminds us of how much work we still need to do on ourselves…

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I cannot serve anyone to the best of my ability without first taking care of me. Initially, I felt some guilt about doing things just for me. But I have gained so much peace and self-knowledge through this process that I now see it as essential.

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Post Hurricane Matthew: Haiti Disaster Relief 

The other day,it was in the headlines that someone got robbed in Paris. BBC had it as breaking news, Facebook and Twitter had it as trending, there was no getting away from it. Yet over 800 people DIE in Haiti and the world just pushes it to the side…

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To measure your value or judge your journey by comparing it to the person next to you is detrimental for your self-worth. We are all in this life journey together, and being able to respect someone else’s path without comparing it to your own is one of the biggest self-developments we can make.

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